Endodontic Treatment

Endodontic is a treatment to repair and protect infected teeth. It involves removing the damaged part of the tooth (pulp), cleaning and disinfecting the tooth roots, and then filling it. The endodontist specialist offers endodontic services when there is infected or damaged dental pulp, cracked tooth, deep cavities, repeated dental treatments, or injured tooth.

What Does an Endodontist Do?

Talk to the endodontist if you think you need an endodontic procedure. S/he will determine the following steps you should take.
– An X-Ray
If your endodontist specialist suspects that you need an endodontic procedure, an X-ray will be used.
– Anesthesia
Local anesthesia is for damaged teeth. Contrary to popular belief, endodontic therapy or surgical endodontics is no more painful than filling teeth.
– Pulpectomy
A hole is made in the tooth, and the pulp is removed.
– Fill

The tooth roots that have been opened are filled with gutta-percha materials. Contrary to what you have heard or read online, you do not suffer from pain during the endodontic process. The goal is to save a tooth that has been profoundly damaged or contaminated. The endodontic specialists remove bacteria and dead tissue from the teeth. Modern techniques and technology make the treatment easy that do not require more than one or two visits to the endodontic office.

When Are Endodontic Services Required?

It is recommended or necessary to visit the specialist in endodontics when there is an infection in the tooth. The intra-dental pulp can be infected with bacteria due to a severe injury or the presence of an untreated cavity. The cavities can be infected. If an emergency endodontist suggests endodontics treatment, you should follow instructions after treatment.

What Are the Process of Endodontic?

Endodontic is essentially a four-step process. Treatment usually lasts more than two sessions. Using a needle, the endodontist injects anesthesia into the tooth. The endodontist specialist numbs the desired area. Then, s/he may create a barrier. A small piece of plastic separates the tooth. The endodontist uses a tiny drill to access the inside of the tooth and make a hole in the top. S/he uses small files to avoid damage to the other parts of the tooth. Besides, the endodontist uses a tool to shape the inner chamber of the teeth and roots. Then, s/he rinses and cleans the chamber.
The endodontist specialist may also use an antimicrobial solution to kill the bacteria left in the chamber and reduce the risk of further (additional) infection. When the entire chamber is clean and dry, it is filled with rubber-like materials like gutta-percha.

The endodontist will open your mouth to fill your tooth temporarily. After a few weeks, the endodontist will finish the treatment by placing a permanent crown or similar sample on top of the tooth. Depending on your natural teeth’ condition, the healing process varies.

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