Dental Implant Repair

Wellbeing Dental Implant Services

While dental implants have a very high success rate (upwards of 90%!), problems may arise over time that require repairs.  If an implant-related issue arises, please let us have a look – the solution may be simpler than you think!


Please give us a call with any questions or comments you might have on our dental implant services, or to schedule an appointment.

Dental Implant Repair at Wellbing Dental

Your treatment depends on your dental needs. If the crown of your implant is broken, we will repair and replace the crown with a new one. If the crown falls off, take it to our dental office, maybe it can be placed on the abutment again. If the base is broken, our staff removes it and puts a new one in your jawbone. In some cases, bone grafting is required due to bone loss, and we perform bone grafting for you to regenerate the lost bone.

Dr. Cheung, with years of experience, provides you the dental implant treatments and repairs. If you have any problems with your dental implants, schedule an appointment at Wellbeing Dental at 604-596-5585. Our team is here to answer your questions.

dental implants repair

We can safely restore and repair any dental problems and improve the full function of your jaw and mouth. 604-596-5585

Reasons for Dental Implant Failure!

There are a variety of factors that cause dental implant failure, including:

– Dental implants can fail due to an inflammatory gum disease, which is called peri-implantitis. In this case, your implant may loosen, bad tastes may occur in your mouth, discoloration and swelling may also occur.

– Sometimes, dental implants might fail due to a lack of osseointegration. In this case, the connection between the jawbone and the dental implant never fully formed, and your implant loosens over time.

– As strong as the dental implant components are designed to be, they may fatigue or weaken over time leading to breakage.  Replacement parts are readily available through well-established implant companies.

– Infection, diabetes, foreign body rejection and metal allergies, smoking, sinus problems, trauma, and dental grinding may all increase the chances of problems occurring.

Please do not hesitate to schedule an appointment and see if we can help!

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